Thursday 17 May 2007


Sick and tired of being depressed about Richard.
I need a plan, a plan to get over my man.
What’s the opposite of man, jam?

This is what Monica (from the famous sitcom Friends) says when she is questioned about the obsessive jam making spree. Bottles of jam cannot solve heart break, but distraction can… Jam did that for her.

The picture above is an art called long stitch. I bought it for a well deserved distraction from work. I got the idea from the episode featuring the above “philosophy”. I started stitching in January and finally I have finished it... Planning to get it framed this weekend.

1 comment:

Seshadri said...

wow..such a beautiful thing..u stitched it?? i cannot believe sum1 i knew cud be such a gifted person..waise, as i always say..distractions sumtimes bcum so necessary, that they bcum the pretty routine- good or bad..